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You can contact us via email at:

Or through the following phone numbers:

+57 3012791794 +57 3188275370

Alternatively, you can leave your details in the following form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can pay with debit and credit cards, Efecty, Baloto, and PSE.

No, once you indicate where you want your order to be delivered, a cost will be assigned depending on the location. Shipping will be free for purchases over $150,000.

We offer local shipping nationwide and internationally. In the case of international shipping, the customer must cover all transportation and customs costs.

In general, shipping takes between 3 and 7 business days after payment is credited. The delivery time may vary according to the conditions of the shipping company.

You can request an exchange within 15 calendar days after the purchase is made. We only accept exchanges for: 1) Size, 2) Color, 3) Reference

In this case, you must contact us via phone or email, and if the order has not yet been shipped, we will explain the procedure to follow.

We refrain from making exchanges if the products: 1) have been used and/or are dirty, 2) present damages or wear, 3) an exchange has been made previously, 4) the product was on promotion.

Remember to check the packaging upon receiving your order. If it is open or damaged, please verify the contents in the presence of the carrier. If the product is in poor condition, please make a note on the transport guide and return it to the carrier.

If your order is incomplete, please make a note on the transport guide to file a claim. In any of these cases, please write to us at for further instructions.

Our customer service channels are as follows: +57 3012791794

If the product you purchased presents any defects in seams, finishes, prints, and all care and washing recommendations have been followed, and the warranty period offered has not expired, you must contact us at the email to send the product to the address indicated by our staff. The shipping cost from Home to Store will be borne by the customer, La Petite Mort will cover the cost of the resend.

When contacting the store, you must fill out the “Warranty Request” form in order to address your warranty effectiveness request, proceeding within the terms and according to the rules established in Title III, Chapter I of Law 1480 of 2011 – Consumer Protection Statute and Decree 735 of 2013.

The warranty for the products is 30 days.

Once you have filled out the warranty request, it will be analyzed by our quality department. Once the quality auditor has reviewed the product, the corresponding decision will be made in accordance with the regulations governing the matter.

The response to the warranty request will be made in writing within 15 business days from the moment of the claim.

Once a repair, exchange, or denial of your request is authorized by the quality auditor, there is a time limit of 1 month to receive the product or make the exchange effective. After this period, LA PETITE MORT is not responsible.

The warranty does not apply if the defects are a result of:

Force majeure or fortuitous event. The action of a third party. Improper use of the product by the consumer. The consumer did not follow the indicated instructions for use or maintenance.

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